Friday, February 3, 2012

Soft Words and Loud Actions.

Silence is too often the answer for the most important questions, and loud answers are given by those that don't know what should be said. Words are often wasted on meaningless things; actions speak louder, but few are willing to take them. Soft words and loud actions rule our lives.


Today, we talked to the florist, got undergarments, picked up the dresses, got an alteration appointment, and got a dress for Granny. Very productive day. Will was also productive- he did a bunch of errands today, mostly related to the house. :)

I'm irritated with certain people currently, but it's my fault for expressing my views. I feel no shame in doing so; I am more upset that I was attacked about it by people I thought were friends that would support me no matter what. This has happened twice recently; once on a facebook post, and once through text. I understand that everyone has their own opinion, but can they PLEASE just respect my opinion and my wishes when and if I express them? :(

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