Thursday, July 21, 2011

Arby's Jalapeno Bites

I cried over Arby's Jalapeno Bites.

...Lemme start at the beginning.

After work yesterday, I was heading over to Will's place for some "quality time" (aka to watch his house play DnD) and was craving some Arby's, specifically their Jalapeno Bites. If I had known they had stopped carrying them as of July 1st, I would have gone and gotten food at one of the four Burger Kings I passed along the way.

But I was determined. I sat in traffic for 30 minutes, increasing my already long drive to an hour, impatient to see Will, and ravenous to boot. My day had been crappy (everything I do is wrong, of course) and I could not wait to ingest unhealthy but delicious jalapeno bites. And see Will, of course, but I was really, REALLY, fucking hungry.

Anyway. Passed four Burger Kings to get my damn Jalapeno bites and they stopped carrying them. Ended up ordering a salad instead, which was the only thing on the menu I could really eat on my diet. Went over to Will's, sat in my car for 10 minutes, and cried like a baby.

Apparently, Arby's Jalapeno Bites were the only thing keeping me sane and away from becoming a homicidal maniac.

After calming down a bit (I felt slightly better, but still emotionally compromised) I went inside, ate, and watched Will and all his housemates, including a few more people, campaign for a couple hours. Will made me delicious coffee, because I was freezing even under a blanket, and as soon as campaign was over left to go back to his parent's place, where he was staying while they are out of town. I also went home, sad that we didn't get to spend more time together, since I won't see him for almost 2 weeks due to work and Otakon.

Today, I am still depressed over the jalapeno bites (yes, it was a blow to my already horrible mindset, shush) and do not want to eat any of the food in the house. I have had a salad, which I am sick and tired of. I've lost 12 pounds in 3 weeks, however, which is good. But I'm STARVING FOR SOME FUCKING JALAPENO BITES. Why, cravings, whhhhyyyy???

RIP, Arby's Jalapeno Bites. You shall be missed, and hopefully I can find a good recipe for them soon.

1 comment:

  1. I get cravings A LOT, not being able to get them must be devastating. Would be for me, anyway.
